Vahkrin: Imp (Scarlet)     

Species: Vahkrin. Breed: Liquoarian. Class: Enchanted (Mammal). Align: UnHoly.

Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.


Level: 2 + 1-D6. Damage-Points: 1-D6 x level.

Number encountered: 1-D4 +1.

Experience-Points: 8 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 23, Sense of Smell: 20, Sixth Sense: 16, Taste: 19, Touch: 24, Vision: 23,

Charisma -: Appearance: 5, Speech: 24, Constitution: 12, Coordination: 20, Dexterity: 24, Intelligence: 24, Mental-Strength: 22, Strength: 14, Wisdom: 5.



Flying: 2 (slow flying creature).Grounded: 7. Swimming: 1 (terrible swimmers).


Luck: 1-D3 per level.

Oxygen-Points: 66.

Blood-Points: 36.



Attack descriptions:  Range:          Damage:                                           Attack type:

     Bite ---------- : 1     1 space (5').  1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced).   Sharp.

     Claws -------- : 2    1 space (5').  1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced).   Sharp.

     Special ------ : This creature will know 1 Conjurer spell (least powerful of 2 rolls for each spell) per 2 levels advanced. It will also have 2-D20 spell-points (+1-D6 spell-points per level advanced, or the minimum spell-points to at least cast its most powerful spell one time).


Defense: 20. Offense: 24.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

60+ for 1-D4 items.

Begin rolling on the Common chart.

Check for each creature to have treasure (it will only have treasure it can carry).



Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description: The Scarlet Imp is a hideous and twisted creature. It's mind is far more twisted and evil as its physical appearance.


Eye color: Black with burning-scarlet pupils, as if an orange-red flame burns within.

Eye shape: Small and oval-shaped. Height: 2' 6". Length: 3'-0". Posture: Avian. Skin color: Scarlet-red. Skin texture: Like that of a pig. Weight: 30 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat-like (it's wings are a darker shade of scarlet-red than its body. Wingspan: 2'-0" (this creature can slowly fly).


Dislikes ----- : Any form of good and righteousness.

Disposition - : Conniving. This creature are also known as Gate Ambassadors. When discovering anything of importance, it will contact its master and report. As natural conjurers, these creatures will ban together to conjure underworld creatures to do their bidding (to harass others). If one Scarlet Imp does not have a certain spell to successfully conjure, another will help out if it can.


Fears -------- : Powerful Underworld creatures of a sentient nature (i.e., it's master).

Habitat ------ : This creature can be found in many regions and settings.

Immunities - : Fire that causes up to 11 damage x their level (any damage over this will be taken).

Life-span --- : 300 years.

Likes -------- : As is the case with all breed of Imp, the Scarlet Imp thrives on not only wickedness, but on harassing and killing all other creatures of the Earthen Plane who possess any form of goodness, law and order.


Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.).

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

Conjurer (as noted above).

Infra-Red-Vision (as the Psychic's spell) for 2-D20 turns per 24 hours.


Special Defenses:

Magic-Resistance: 20%.

Mental-attack: 20%.


Special Offenses:

Scarlet Aura: When encountered, all creatures within hearing (and a close visual range of 6 spaces (30') must make pit their Mental-Strength vs. the Scarlet Imp's Mental-Strength (race to 3) or suffer from being feeble minded for 1-D4 hours. Those struck with feeble mindedness will have a 20% chance of spell failure when casting.


Susceptibilities: Holy abilities and spells will have x2 effect on this creature.

Weapon susceptibility: Rank-2 (or better) magic weapon to harm.